Olivier | 21h18 UTC - 30 Nov 2024 |
Hello Sackbutt
Feel free to do what you want. I suppose there is not copyright for the ensembles and can try to adapt them to Plugdata, even if, at first sight, Plugdata seems quite different of Sync modular. Your link is not valid anymore. Maybe KVR has deleted it ? I would not be surprised. I suppose Native Instruement & KVR would prefer this site not exist, as it is free and has no commercial purpose. But it's just my interpretation. (sorry for late answer) | |
Sackbutt | 04h19 UTC - 15 Nov 2024 |
Would you guys be interested in somehow porting your instruments/ensembles into Plugdata?
I am fairly confident many end-users, such as myself, would be thrilled. (Native Instruments? Not so much.) See also my previous link to KVR, where I quote this site in one of my recent comments. It's a new era... | |
Sackbutt | 01h21 UTC - 15 Nov 2024 |
Follow-up for your interest:
https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=615896&sid=77efc703966a68022c40c64a818e05dd | |
uka | 22h26 UTC - 04 Jun 2024 |
h5n1xp | 11h15 UTC - 05 Apr 2024 |
Works fine using Crossover Mac (Wine) on Apple Silicon Mac. | |
Siemi Horue | 13h58 UTC - 24 Dec 2023 |
i cant open this in Windows 10. help | |
Sackbutt | 21h18 UTC - 13 Dec 2023 |
Thanks. In my recent research after posting my question hereon, I came across PlugData that runs Pure Data as a plugin in many DAWs, so I may try that. I also like that it is FLOSS (free/libre & open source) apparently. I have heard of Steampipe, incidentally, and hear it's quite good. Maybe I will return. Thanks again! | |
Olivier | 16h54 UTC - 09 Dec 2023 |
Well..Sync modular is a 32 bit application, at that time, 64 bits software did not exist. I don't suppose you can implement Razor in Sync-modular as it has less features, but it is also much more easy and convenient for buildind sound, so For example, Streampipe exists both in Sync modular and in Reaktor so can compare how simple it is in Sync modular and stricky in Reaktor | |
Pollo | 14h06 UTC - 02 Dec 2023 |
Free palestine | |
Sackbutt | 04h30 UTC - 17 Nov 2023 |
Hi Guys. 2 Questions:
1. Is this 32 or 64 bits? 2. Could I duplicate NI's Reaktor's Razor with it? Thanks! | |
Kalu | 00h37 UTC - 11 Aug 2023 |
Carlitos shall enslave humanity!
Great synth | |
Dodo | 16h44 UTC - 03 Apr 2023 |
The guy who created this is a genius! | |
Tinomo | 16h14 UTC - 21 Oct 2022 |
it is still my favourite "sound lab". so lightwight. amazing programm in it`s "is" state | |
Tinomo | 16h11 UTC - 21 Oct 2022 |
yes sadly. i wish there were some kind of module that converts audio-rates back to event-rate signals - maybe through a threshold or something. So there could be better cpu-optmimistions | |
Olivier | 14h20 UTC - 03 Oct 2022 |
Hello Tinomo I am glad to see that there are still people working with Sync modular, which remain, according to me, the best soft to dive inside synth in a simple way (of course, Reaktor has more advanced features but much more complex as well) For complex ensemble, it would have been cool if, when clicking to a macro, its input and output wires would be hightlighted and wires of other macros less visible so that it would be easier to undestand all things. But well...this soft has some limitations that will never be improved, pity | |
Tinomo | 19h29 UTC - 30 Sep 2022 |
Hello Olivier. thank you for fixing. yes. the chaos ... this is happening in all attempts while trying out... nothing works ... then it surprisingly works sonehow ... be happy and never touch it again. but i think at least the panel has unique names to make it easy understadable. | |
Olivier | 11h13 UTC - 29 Sep 2022 |
Hello Tinomo Thanks for your synth. There was a problem with the joined file cause of the "+" in the name of your file so i corrected this. Cool synth and sounds with many presets ! (sadly hard to understand, so many wire everywhere) | |
Tinomo | 16h20 UTC - 29 Aug 2022 |
MiKy2 - the Fairplay synthesier it doesn`t support Modwheel nor other fancy midi-stuff, it is just designed for inside synC modular to play around with. (but is not restricted to). but, it uses all AA-Techniques i could get hold off, the price is bit higher CPU-Usage compared to all the classic ensembles from the late 90`s but i think that`s ok with todays computers. joined file: MiKy2+Fx.sme | |
Wikter | 21h47 UTC - 12 Jan 2022 |
Yes, about my shared Drive Folder. Sometimes i receive a mail to allow access to rhe files, but the files are all open to read/comment. | |
Olivier | 11h26 UTC - 12 Jan 2022 |
Hello Wikter, Are you talking about your google drive directory dedicated to sync modular ? I hardly can understand your message :-) | |
Wikter | 04h06 UTC - 11 Jan 2022 |
Hi again, I'm receiving permission access queues everyday. It seems somewhere people is using this piece of software again. Please, use the last supplied links only. | |
Alley | 22h27 UTC - 15 Dec 2021 |
Reply to Wikter | 20h19 UTC - 12 Dec 2021 |
The biggest problem with VeeSeeVST Rack is that it's version 0.6... | |
Wikter | 19h28 UTC - 01 Dec 2021 |
And remember: there's a free VST of VCV: VeeseeVST, and it rocks hard Reaktor Rack. | |
Wikter | 19h18 UTC - 01 Dec 2021 |
Hi Olivier, happy bday also, You can also pan delays & introduce stereo movement with one lfo extra per chorus voice. If you add feedback you create a Flanger. It's just scratching the surface of modulated delay effects. | |
Olivier | 18h46 UTC - 31 Oct 2021 |
joined file: test_chorus.mp3 | |
Olivier | 18h44 UTC - 31 Oct 2021 |
I found at least how to build a chorus. I first thought i was obliged to take several oscillators (from the same wave) and detune them slighty, not convenient way to do. In fact, only 1 oscillator is necessary, just have pass it through several small delays all different and varying slowly with lfo whose frequence also vary randomly and the job is done. Here a very simple ensemble : one saw, going in the chorus, and then in a reverb and the result is a cute string. joined file: test_chorus.sme | |
Olivier | 05h55 UTC - 03 Jul 2021 |
There was a time, a company named Native Instruments created a great software : generator. It was first time we could build easily on computer synthesizer with box and wire, a very interesting and playful way. It was little expensive but it deserve it. Then, a programmist from Russia, made a crazy simple soft, sync modular, going even deaper in modularity, giving to user the possibility to built oscillators, filters or what ever - whereas generator was limited to already made box for that - and nearly 10 times cheaper. So Native Instruments said : "What the F***. Not possible to have a such challenger around us, he will steal our market ! We have to do something". Then, they do the good move : they bought the guy, stopped to developp sync modular, and said : "Ok, you come in our company but you won't destroy our soft. You do what you want in your own box and wire, we will call it "Kore", and we will manage to interface your stuff with our own box, called "primary". The result was a weird, complex thing, too hard to understand for average musician, but deep and working well anyway. Native instruments realize that their soft was too complex for 95% of users, abandon their idea to make great modular soft for large public and try to satisfy average musician by a new concept : Reaktor block, saying "You understand nothing of our tricky, complex soft ? don't worry ! Put already made few big block on the screen, wire them and your synthesizer is done !". So great idea. | |
tinomo | 09h19 UTC - 30 May 2021 |
the creator of steam-pipe also made the legendary reverb "R6" wich are also available in SynC and Reaktor | |
tinomo | 09h17 UTC - 30 May 2021 |
yes. such features are missing. I remember, luigi felici made a patch that take note-events and calculates them to a midi-clock signal. but it is always a hassle to set those things up. I think sync-modular's strengths are more in standlaone sound design . midi keyboards work well | |
Olivier | 14h27 UTC - 27 May 2021 |
hello Tinomo and SODDI. Yes, it seems that some sound designer was also hired by Native instrument and we can find for example "steampipe" both in sync modular and in reaktor. But in much easier way in sync modular. There is an important missing in sync modular. It not receive midi clock. It is very inconvenient if we try to make echos that are synchronized with the tempo of the sequencer | |
Tinomo | 15h02 UTC - 24 May 2021 |
most of the reaktor patches can be recreated in sync modular. there is only a kind of "backward logic" with the sync-modular relais and the reaktor compair-modules. and a bit less cpu preserving in sync. but it is possible | |
Tinomo | 15h01 UTC - 24 May 2021 |
after about 2 years linux experimenting, i found out today: the SynC modular runs absolutely flawless in wine. even the documentation (wich doesnt run on modern windows) the only point i am a bit dissapointed: that i didnt found it out earlier :)) | |
SODDI | 19h34 UTC - 14 Apr 2021 |
Cubase 13 kicked it out. BUT, I was able to get my SynC audio on the free running ensembles out in Audacity using loopback on Audacity's input. I mainly used these free-running ensembles to create textures and pads anyway, bringing in layers of free-form synthesis into the normal rigid Cubase esthetic. So, flawless victory! | |
SODDI | 19h07 UTC - 13 Apr 2021 |
Old time SynCModular user/builder here. Gonna try to get this up and running on my new system/Cubase 13 - it's cranky on the bridge. It's mainly to use my user-base SynCModular ensembles - stuff from folks like Gabriel Landini & Luigi a/k/a liquih. & occasionally my own. The one thing that SynC does better than almost any other synth is free-running DRONES and textures.- best evidenced by userbase ensembles that aren't generally aren't available. My drones are my own. | |
Olivier | 08h20 UTC - 09 Dec 2020 |
not the same. Reaktor more complex than Sync modular. Obliged to dive into the complexity of "core", signal, latch, read, write, etc etc etc... whereas sync modular only its beautiful "z-1". Its up to the soft to manage complexity of signal management in background and not to users. So Sync modular was a model of simplicity whereas Reaktor a model of complexity. | |
Captain Obvious | 14h53 UTC - 08 Nov 2020 |
For all the uninformed people here talking about reviving this synth; It's not gonna happen, because the developer was hired by Native instruments to create Reaktor after making sync modular. Do you get it now? If you like sync modular, just buy NI Reaktor. Same thing but infinitely better.You're welcome. | |
Olivier | 11h03 UTC - 01 Sep 2020 |
Hello guys, How about doing a new "sync modular" from scratch ? Nowadays, it is less difficult than before. I suppose the author of Sync Modular programmed at that time directly with windows api, which was a hard job. Now we have a tool for synth programmist called "JUCE". It is specially devoted for building synthesizer or plugins. The language used is C++. | |
kaas1 | 22h24 UTC - 24 Aug 2020 |
For anyone having trouble (like me) opening the .hlp file, look in the BeOS download, there's plain HTML documentation there. | |
Olivier | 09h20 UTC - 02 Dec 2019 |
Hello Wikter,cause you just have to put your link between html tag (< a > a > tag). I have corrected this. | |
Wikter | 05h11 UTC - 01 Dec 2019 |
Don't know why the link didn't highlighted...https://mvxsynths.blogspot.com | |
Wikter | 05h10 UTC - 01 Dec 2019 |
Hi, since Google sites disappeared, I created a post in my blog to keep the links updated to those files.http://mvxsynths.blogspot.com/2017/04/sync-modular-keeping-library-online.html?m=1Any suggestions: wikter at Google mail,http://mvxsynths.blogspot.com | |
venki | 06h46 UTC - 27 Nov 2019 |
joined file: 29.wav | |
haroo | 18h56 UTC - 03 Oct 2019 |
"yo...do I have to continue to maintain this website ? personnally, i now "fucking" don't care of this soft as much as his "fucking" creator who has abandonned his own soft in a so fucking way : -) "Please continue to maintain this site. This is really a jewel resource on the net and it would be a real shame to lose it. I must say i enjoyed your youtube project and it has affected/impacted my playing/recording. thnx! | |
nioelumijke | 17h22 UTC - 01 Jul 2019 |
Cool! | |
Dorrall | 23h49 UTC - 30 May 2019 |
someone on youtube said the creator was hired by NI to work on some version of Reaktor.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebBqP2PteAQ | |
Olivier | 19h02 UTC - 07 May 2019 |
yo...do I have to continue to maintain this website ? personnally, i now "fucking" don't care of this soft as much as his "fucking" creator who has abandonned his own soft in a so fucking way : -)Sound creation is surely very interesting but also very difficult, i gave up long time ago.How musicians made all theses sounds ? did they create by themselves ? how they did ? it's so mysterious for me...I tried to reproduce the first 30 secondes of the 1st track with MULab but result far from originalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd5OLi9MWYI | |
EddieRos | 21h21 UTC - 17 Apr 2019 |
Always interested in anything modular | |
element433 | 08h58 UTC - 17 Apr 2019 |
One thing to note using Wine is to make sure the audio output is different from the Mac's system audio default. I have a dedicated USB audio device just for sync and (ironically!) Reaktor | |
element433 | 08h55 UTC - 17 Apr 2019 |
Just installed it on Yosemite using WineHQ. Runs great! I used Sync in 1999-2000 (Win98) on my track Flight Sequence II in the last 5 minutes, the Gong at 7'45" You can hear it on Bandcamp here: https://element-s.bandcamp.com/track/flight-sequence-ii-unpowered-flight-1999 | |
SMuser | 08h23 UTC - 12 Apr 2019 |
would be wonderful if this software was updated with a 64bit VST version. i so wish to use this software inside other DAW 64 bit.. | |
Zythe(Zam) | 06h31 UTC - 12 Mar 2019 |
Leaving my mark here. | |
313ryans | 03h37 UTC - 22 Feb 2018 |
I figured out the problem. I did not realize the manual in the file folder worked. | |
313ryans | 02h10 UTC - 19 Feb 2018 |
Hello, I have been a fan of this synth for a long time. 3 PCs have crashed since I started using Sync as a VST. Right now I am rebuilding my older material in Tracktion and Reaper. My old patches work (Nord and Waldorf Pulse emulators) but none of the new ones I am tweaking work as VSTs. Is there a setting in the structure of additive16tri++ by Luigi (for example) that I can tweak to make it work? | |
Olivier | 21h26 UTC - 15 Feb 2018 |
ok thanks...corrected | |
gentleclockdivider | 21h07 UTC - 13 Feb 2018 |
There are a few typos in the header .Here's a corrected version Sync modular is a modular synthesizer allowing you to build your own synthesizer and sounds.It was developed by a Russian musician programmer in the year 1999.In 2001, the developer was hired by Native Instruments in order to develop Reaktor 5 with core technology.In 2010, Sync modular became freeware.Download Sync-modular, instruments and macros created by users or build your own synthesizer. | |
Olivier | 10h06 UTC - 25 Jan 2018 |
The fact is, there is still few "professional" sound, for example, concerning drum sound, there is an ensemble that simulate snare or kick, but it's very poor comparing of all different sound you can hear in some techno and electro music. Is it due to the limitation of Sync modular ? | |
Olivier | 21h14 UTC - 14 Jan 2018 |
Hello Tinomo,Thanks for your help. I tried to make a quite simple ensemble long time ago and the result was not catastrophic : -) (I lost that ensemble now) | |
Tinomo | 12h46 UTC - 13 Jan 2018 |
yeah it sounds like either multiple bandpasses, or a chebyshef (sorry when misspelling) . i will try to recreate..... | |
Olivier | 11h45 UTC - 11 Jan 2018 |
Hello,I propose a challenge. Here is a sound i like quite much, from an electro track . The trick is to try to reproduce it as exactly as possible with sync-modular.It's a typical "GOA" sound and it would be great to build it with sync modular.The sound :goa soundfrom the track :Rainbow Spirit - Prana | |
pythagoras | 02h45 UTC - 18 Dec 2017 |
2002 Audio tech course Salford university(UK). | |
Csaba | 17h19 UTC - 23 Nov 2017 |
Hi!I owned an old ni reaktor/generator from 1999 but later I lost it... Today I use reaktor 6 but I never heard about this sync modular software.I'm glad because this is an age document! | |
Olivier | 20h47 UTC - 20 Nov 2017 |
Hello,I recently get Reaktor 6. Of course, that software is impressive and has much more capabilities than Sync modular. It goes even deeper in signal processing so that the sound designer can build more powerfull and more clean ensemble.So maybe in order to design correct ensemble, Vadim has introduced event signal, clock signal, read module, write module, latch, etc etc...That's great, surely, for sound designer ?But one thing that Reaktor has loosed : it's simplicity and readability.As it was quite difficult, but possible to understand Sync modular ensemble, i think it's nearly impossible to understand reaktor ensemble.Furthermore, all the knobs has to be out of a core cell and not just connected near their respective module, so it add even more difficulty to understand the meaning of all that.Finally, Reaktor is certainly a great sound sofware for sound designersBut it's also awfully disappointing for large majority of musician who are interested to deep into their ensemble in order to understand the sound they use.So, i still think that sync modular was unique by its large possibilities despite of its relative simplioity and pity that this soft was abandonned this way. | |
Olivier | 18h10 UTC - 16 Aug 2017 |
Hello Tinomo,Thanks for the link,here the direct linkFormantOsc.smeFormantOsc.smm | |
TINOMO | 14h39 UTC - 12 Aug 2017 |
Hi, i just found a cool formant ascillator from 2002 in sync-modular ensemble format... it can be downloaded by feeding Google with: "Workshop Rob Hordijk - Electro-Music"on the bottom is a macro and ensemble download link | |
ABS | 08h00 UTC - 21 Jan 2017 |
you are right. the calculation happens simultanusly | |
ABS | 07h55 UTC - 21 Jan 2017 |
you are right. the calculation happens simultanusly | |
joe | 14h45 UTC - 09 Jan 2017 |
VST doesnt work, try to reinstall but uninstalling failed. Which folders or registry to clean it? | |
Colb | 17h51 UTC - 25 Oct 2016 |
Not 100% sure. Might have been the heavy version that wasn't released | |
Wikter | 11h05 UTC - 18 Oct 2016 |
Hi Colb, are you sure your Wavesynclite16 wasn't released? I've uesd it, maybe this is the last one with enhanced features, but... Well, i see there's enough activity to recompile my library again. | |
boby | 17h43 UTC - 04 Oct 2016 |
![]() ![]() ![]() | |
colb | 20h13 UTC - 28 Sep 2016 |
Good to see there is activity in sync modular still after all these years.Here's a synth I built back in ~2000/2001, and never got round to uploading, because of the news about the app being discontinued. It's a wavetable morphing synth with 2 oscillators. There are also a pair of multi-mode LFO/modulators, these include a sequence mode based on another of my creations "InKeyX03". I think this synth is capable of a huge variety of sounds. The demo patches really don't do it justice. Enjoy joined file: WAVESYNClite 16.zip | |
Olivier | 15h44 UTC - 20 Jul 2016 |
by the way, there is already the google drive of Wikter in the link menu, that gather nearly all the ensembles | |
Olivier | 13h49 UTC - 20 Jul 2016 |
Hello, i have just build fastly a google drive :https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9zh-CkVw3WzMzFFQjUtanlLMXMother google drive with different arrangement and files are welcomei'll put then the address to the menu | |
humdinger | 16h53 UTC - 13 Jul 2016 |
Is there a repo with the source somewhere? Thanks for the nice app. The BeOS archive still runs on Haiku. o/ | |
csf | 18h00 UTC - 11 Mar 2016 |
Allow digital media player hd/3d camera whether display driver drift developer sync | |
chari | 05h22 UTC - 04 Feb 2016 |
Olivier | 11h29 UTC - 04 Jan 2016 |
All right...I added the link, i heard this version was quite difficult to find, thanks | |
Be | 23h26 UTC - 02 Jan 2016 |
Please attach Beos Sync Modular version to the site. joined file: sm221b_x86.zip | |
Olivier | 13h50 UTC - 18 Dec 2015 |
Hello Tin, i have added your article to the tutorials links, thanks for your contribution.Also thanks for your ensembles ! the sound of AtmosC sound quite "industrial", interesting sound, and your fm ensemble very elaborated !Just a little thing i know about guitare or instruments, the exponential decay makes sound much more realist than the traditionnal ADSR envelopp or things like that.Have a good day... | |
tin | 18h49 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
you are right. the calculation happens simultanusly. SynC modular restricts us to a defined sample-rate. all we can do, is calculate 1/2 sample delay, process the original sample and the 1/2 delayed, and combine them again (in case of 2x upsample). Finaly, it is exactly the same as we in theory would increase the sample-rate in a specific part of the structure. and this isn`t my idea at all. i.e. have a look at wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oversampling especially the part "Oversampling in reconstruction" | |
tin | 18h36 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
you are right. the calculation happens simultanusly. SynC modular restricts us to a defined sample-rate. all we can do, is calculate 1/2 sample delay, process the original sample and the 1/2 delayed, and combine them again (in case of 2x upsample). Finaly, it is exactly the same as we in theoy would increase the sample-rate in a specific part of the structure. | |
Olivier | 14h01 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
Hello Tinomo,Thanks for your ensembles...I should try to add a repertory to deposit the new ensembles of users. I am thinking about that.Also, i tried to read your article about oversampling. In fact, it seems that the signal is not oversampled at all. I mean, the value in between is not outputted "in between" but is outputted to the current sample, so the result is still a signal at sample rate. I would prefer to understand your ideas then, maybe i have not understood something. See you. | |
Tinomo | 09h50 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
Atmos-C-Dronse is a automatic-synth drone generator with some scary sounds. joined file: AtmosC-Dronse.sme | |
Tinomo | 09h48 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
I used this thing to explore Ringmodulation. It has frequency-adding/subbing to make sure that at least one produced overtone lies on your key joined file: EasyRing.sme | |
Tinomo | 09h46 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
a very basic guitar karplus-strong thingy, no idea if that`s cool or not joined file: EasyPlouqV3.sme | |
Tinomo | 09h45 UTC - 16 Dec 2015 |
wile browsing old archives i found more old selfmade ensembles i want to share.EasyFM3 is a basic 4-op Phasemodulation synth. the algorithms can switched in realtime, that`s the fun i guess joined file: EasyFm3.sme | |
tin | 14h20 UTC - 15 Dec 2015 |
ok. here it comes... joined file: oversampling.zip | |
Olivier | 09h30 UTC - 15 Dec 2015 |
Hello Tinomo,Thanks for your contribution. I consult very scarcely the email, i checked it but did not see message from you. What about sending your document here in attached file ? i will give the possibiliy to attach any file (not only sync modular). I will then add a link to your artical in the tutorial section... | |
Tinomo | 14h18 UTC - 14 Dec 2015 |
nevermind, found your email adress | |
Tinomo | 12h49 UTC - 14 Dec 2015 |
Hi Olivier. I Wrote a short article about oversampling in SynC modular. where can I send it? | |
olivier | 09h04 UTC - 09 Dec 2015 |
hello, there is a tutorial section now, if somebody want to add a tutorial about sound synthesis or sync modular, he is welcome | |
Olivier | 09h28 UTC - 04 Nov 2015 |
ok, i have just changed the download procedure, hope it works for you now | |
mutky | 15h41 UTC - 03 Nov 2015 |
I canot download | |
bob | 19h07 UTC - 30 Oct 2015 |
I want to download | |
Olivier | 09h09 UTC - 22 Sep 2015 |
hum...did you click on the link "Download sync-modular" ? cause the link "Download" in the main menu don't do anything...but if it really does not work, i should change the download procedure then, zZZzz | |
Lucas | 16h38 UTC - 18 Sep 2015 |
Hello.I try to download the software, but the site brings me up here. | |
Vanjub | 20h47 UTC - 29 Jul 2015 |
Olivier, thank you very much. | |
Olivier | 11h45 UTC - 29 Jul 2015 |
hum...you just have to go to the window menu, then skin, then select, then choose "skiny knob" and select your colors. I don't know why the default skin is this awful gray, it's really not appealing when we open sync modular the first time... | |
Vanjub | 10h25 UTC - 28 Jul 2015 |
How can I change the color of the ensemble, the latest version of it is gray and here in the picture such as blue? | |
Olivier | 10h12 UTC - 27 Jul 2015 |
Hello, maybe Wikter could answer to you ? cause he gathered nearly all the sync-modular ensembles from the web...and Wikter, I have changed the link to your google drive directorysee you all | |
Vanjub | 13h41 UTC - 22 Jul 2015 |
Hello, somebody has virus-b.sme with wavetables? Or new versions SynDream v2.8?I think this modular sounds better reactor 5 or so it seems | |
Tinomo | 16h03 UTC - 29 May 2015 |
thanks for fixing, wikter. indeed a stupid bug... I didn`t notice this because i never touched the amp-envelope, all presets i made were full sustain, so there shouldn`t be a difference. anyway thanks for uploading and sharing it. | |
wikter | 22h33 UTC - 26 May 2015 |
Hi! I've revamped the NordLead ensemble...Now it sounds brighter, faster and more effected... https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8Lo2L86AtcWeFYzaWpTXzJzTUU&authuser=0 | |
wikter | 19h21 UTC - 26 May 2015 |
OK. MS20 fixed.A conecction between Decay knob and Decay parameter of the envelope had dissappeared. Really easy!I've added your presets to the original MS20 SME file inside "Hardware Emulations", but due to the fact that you've been using a faulty sme (the original was faulty too) those patches may sound a bit different.Please, give them a hear.Also, I've renamed your presets. Naming presets helps to keep banks tidy.Thanks Tinomo aka Tin. | |
wikter | 19h14 UTC - 26 May 2015 |
Hi, while testing MS20 i've found the the ADSR don't works in a classic mode. Sustain control the overall envelope level, or something like that. I can't get a sound when sustain is 0. It seems the decay Stage is after the sustain stage. Does it work that way in the original ms20? I think don't. | |
wikter | 19h00 UTC - 26 May 2015 |
Well I've seen some activity since the last post.I've uploaded all those new ensembles (2?) to a "NEW" folder inside my drive.I think i'll keep editing private to avoid deletions.I'll keep as much updated as I could. | |
wikter | 18h53 UTC - 26 May 2015 |
The problem to register is because of the DAW, you should run the DAW with admin rights. Otherwise, the DAW can't write the key to the system registry. | |
Tinomo | 20h23 UTC - 13 May 2015 |
Hello, in case you use a newer Windows system, don`t forget to run SynC modular once as administrator while you enter the registration code. | |
Olivier | 09h04 UTC - 12 May 2015 |
Hello, your problem registration sound strange...are you copy and paste the right field ? "Free registration" should be enter without additional space at the beginning or at the end, if not exactly the same, then it won't work | |
anastasia | 22h52 UTC - 11 May 2015 |
I cannot register | |
anastasia | 22h52 UTC - 11 May 2015 |
hello | |
craigcw | 23h28 UTC - 10 May 2015 |
I cannot register the Sync-modular software with the serial number on the website. Am I missing something?Thanks | |
Olivier | 16h18 UTC - 04 May 2015 |
hello tinomo...thanks for your ensembles. MS-20 is very interesting (and quite complex too) and able to generate quite large spectre of soundsI discover also there is still some problems in the upload program but your files has been correctly transfered anyway and i will try to correct it soon...Also, i will add your ensembles in the zip files next | |
Tinomo | 06h46 UTC - 03 May 2015 |
Some inbuild modules were stolen :) others were selfmade. I collect SynC-stuff for a long time now. earlier I didn`t care much about crediting.I have also a better quality version of CycleSlicer, but it is about 16 Mb big. ther seems to be a filesize limit here, I hope you enjoy these joined file: Cycle slicer lo.sme | |
tin | 06h21 UTC - 03 May 2015 |
Hello, joined file: MS-20-SynC.sme | |
Olivier | 19h32 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Hello all...Glad to see you again Wikter...Google drive could be a good way to share file. I did not know that possibilitie. Tinomo, are you sure we need to have a google account in order to access to the files ? if you click to the link normally it works. But then, how users can add their own work in that repertory ? in futur I could add this link directly on the menu. Anyway, uploading files directly here is also a simple possibility... And at least, if someone interested to maintain or improve that website ? i am not very active myself, i do this only to try to rebirth sync modular | |
Tinomo | 16h47 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Thanks Olivier for the upload thingy, i´m preparing something.. .since i haven`t a google acount yet, i can`t upload to wikter`s googledrive. | |
Tinomo | 16h44 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Hi Olivier, Hi Wikteri was`nt here for a while.the best tutorial for synC modular lies inside it`s own helpfile: the "getting startet" section. yes, wikter i remember similar troubles when i first run sync modular on a newer computer os, i think it`s a general problem within sync modular (we hadn`t that admin stuff in the early days of windows). | |
wikter | 11h38 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Hi again,I've found problems trying to use Sync Modular with my Presonus Studio One. Although it has been previously registered and I had used it from Chainer/Buzz, Studio One was always asking me to update the registration.the problem has been solved starting Studio One as Admin just one time and filling registration data.Now it works fine again. | |
wikter | 11h00 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
That's a folder to upload and download stuff.https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8Lo2L86AtcWcWVoU2x1akYySjQ&usp=sharing | |
wikter | 10h59 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Why not share a Google Drive folder??There's a lot of things to share...PatchesMacrosSkinsensemblessamples... | |
wikter | 09h54 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Testing MS-20! | |
wikter | 09h52 UTC - 28 Apr 2015 |
Hi Olivier and all of you that use SynC.An user asked me about tutorials, where can we find tutorials?Are there any PDF/HTML/DOC files out there showing how to use Sync Modular?Maybe it's time to create some... | |
Olivier | 18h11 UTC - 12 Apr 2015 |
Hello Tinomo, are you still here ?...you can post your work here if you want, it will be easier to download here i thinkand Migon, thanks for your encouraging... | |
Migon25 | 18h05 UTC - 09 Mar 2015 |
Hola amigos! excelente juguete!! grácias por compartir!!!! | |
tom | 21h32 UTC - 15 Feb 2015 |
tin | 15h45 UTC - 29 Jan 2015 |
sorry for this. i will look for better uploadservices next time | |
Olivier | 10h33 UTC - 26 Jan 2015 |
Hello Tinomo...thanks for your work...But it's difficult to download your file, we have to download a commercial soft first with lots of ads inside. I will try to add an upload file feature so that we can post file directly here. | |
Tinomo | 20h15 UTC - 22 Jan 2015 |
a new emulaton of an old synth. has a tiny panel and big sound. hope you like it http://www.file-upload.net/download-10190993/MS-20-synC.sme.html | |
Olivier | 08h25 UTC - 15 Jan 2015 |
Hello Tinomo...yes, you are welcome to post your work... | |
aaf | 18h59 UTC - 17 Dec 2014 |
Thanks 1421008060.9697 | |
Olivier | 09h52 UTC - 24 Nov 2014 |
So the reason of this website. In fact, the official website has disappeared from the net and it was then impossible to know Sync modular even exist...so i try to rebirth it with that website. Also, it would be cool if new users could publish some new sounds and ensembles. Sync modular still need more synths and sounds in order to be more attractive. | |
Olivier | 15h08 UTC - 18 Nov 2014 |
Hello guys, have something to say about that soft ? | |